Andrew Cecere

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Gunjan Kedia


Souheil S. Badran

Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Operations Officer

Elcio R.T. Barcelos

Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer

James L. Chosy

Senior Executive Vice President and General Counsel

Gregory G. Cunningham

Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer

Venkatachari Dilip

Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Information and Technology Officer

Terrance R. Dolan

Vice Chair and Chief Administration Officer

Revathi N. Dominski

Senior Executive Vice President, Chief Social Responsibility Officer, and President, U.S. Bank Foundation

Sekou Kaaland

Senior Executive Vice President, Head of Branch and Small Business Banking

Courtney E. Kelso

Senior Executive Vice President, Head of Payments: Consumer and Small Business

Felicia La Forgia

Senior Executive Vice President, Head of the Institutional Client Group

Stephen L. Philipson

Senior Executive Vice President, Head of Wealth, Corporate, Commercial and Institutional Banking

Jodi L. Richard

Vice Chair and Chief Risk Officer

Arijit Roy

Senior Executive Vice President, Head of Consumer and Business Banking Products

Mark G. Runkel

Senior Executive Vice President, Head of Payments: Merchant and Institutional

John C. Stern

Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Dominic V. Venturo

Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Digital Officer

Andrew Cecere

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, U.S. Bancorp

Gunjan Kedia

President, U.S. Bancorp

Warner L. Baxter

Retired Executive Chairman and Former Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Ameren Corporation

Dorothy Bridges

Chief Executive Officer, Metropolitan Economic Development Association (Meda)

Elizabeth L. Buse

Former Chief Executive Officer, Monitise plc

Alan B. Colberg

Retired President and Chief Executive Officer, Assurant, Inc.

Kimberly N. Ellison-Taylor

Founder and Chief Executive Officer, KET Solutions, LLC

Aleem Gillani

Retired Corporate Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, SunTrust Banks, Inc.

Kimberly J. Harris

Retired President and Chief Executive Officer, Puget Energy, Inc.

Roland A. Hernandez

Founding Principal and Chief Executive Officer, Hernandez Media Ventures (Lead Independent Director)

Richard P. McKenney

President and Chief Executive Officer, Unum Group

Yusuf I. Mehdi

Executive Vice President, Consumer Chief Marketing Officer, Microsoft Corporation

Loretta E. Reynolds

Founder and Chief Executive Officer, LEReynolds Group, LLC

John P. Wiehoff

Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc.

Scott W. Wine

Chief Executive Officer, CNH Industrial N.V.