Use a robust accounting platform with our cash solutions portal.

Efficient, expansive and easy to use, our cash solutions portal can help your liquidity deployment decisions. Research funds, consolidate your money fund investing, manage and monitor your holdings and more.

Point-and-click access to funds and fund families:

  • Easily invest onshore and offshore excess operating cash
  • Trade liquidity instruments with insights and an intuitive interface
  • Focus on the strategic initiatives that provide higher returns
  • Dig deep into money market research with less effort and no hidden costs


Get in touch

Karl Wilson
National Sales Manager
Institutional Trust and Custody

Access timely portfolio data with U.S. Bank Portfolio Analytics

In partnership with Clearwater Analytics, we created Portfolio Analytics to help qualified clients meet the requirements of an increasingly regulated financial arena. As a leading investment and accounting reporting tool in the marketplace, Portfolio Analytics eases the process of meeting and exceeding the financial regulation reporting, compliance and disclosure requirements.

Manage cash balances in a money market deposit account.

Money market deposit accounts (MMDA) provide an interest-bearing, flexible deposit vehicle for excess cash. Improve operational efficiency with automated daily cash flow sweeps and extended cut-off times. This can help you earn stable income while preserving principle.

Get the advantages of a U.S. Bank MMDA:

  • Daily liquidity
  • No fees or gates
  • Stable asset value
  • Interest is accrued daily and paid monthly
  • Competitive rates – recalculated and updated weekly
  • FDIC insured up to the maximum allowed by law
  • No acquired fund fees and expenses (AFFE)

Explore more liquidity and investment solutions.

Review the full breadth of your liquidity management landscape.

Start of disclosure content


Investment products and services are:

Not a Deposit • Not FDIC Insured • May Lose Value • Not Bank Guaranteed • Not Insured by any Federal Government Agency

Deposit products are offered by U.S. Bank National Association. Member FDIC.

The information included on these pages is for your information and is not intended as legal, accounting or tax advice. U.S. Bank and its representatives do not provide legal, accounting and/or tax advice. Clients are encouraged to contact their legal, accounting and/or tax advisor regarding their particular situation. While the information is intended to be accurate, neither U.S. Bank Investment Services nor the publisher accepts responsibility for relying on the information provided.

This is not an offer of money market fund shares. The Liquidity Plus program is governed by the Liquidity Plus terms and conditions. Read the terms and conditions carefully before entering into the Liquidity Plus program and read the prospectus carefully before making any money market fund investment.

Deposits in the Liquidity Plus program are deposits at participating banks, which includes U.S. Bank as the primary bank. You can exclude a participating bank from holding your deposits in the Liquidity Plus program by directing U.S. Bank to remove the bank from the list. If you have other funds on deposit at a participating bank those funds may be aggregated with your funds that are on deposit in that participating bank for deposit insurance purposes and thereby reduce your deposit insurance coverage under the program. If you exclude a participating bank, the total amount of deposit insurance available to you under the Liquidity Plus program also may decrease. Participating banks may be added or deleted from the Liquidity Plus program. Refer to the Liquidity Plus terms and conditions for full program details, including additional information on the operations and limitations of FDIC insurance on Liquidity Plus deposits.

Money market funds are:


The information provided represents the opinion of U.S. Bank and is not intended to be a forecast of future events or guarantee of future results. It is not intended to provide specific investment advice and should not be construed as an offering of securities or recommendation to invest. Not for use as a primary basis of investment decisions. Not to be construed to meet the needs of any particular investor. Not a representation or solicitation or an offer to sell/buy any security. Custody Account owners should consult with their investment professional for advice concerning their particular situation.

U.S. Bancorp Asset Management, Inc. is a registered investment advisor and subsidiary of U.S. Bank National Association. U.S. Bank National Association is a separate entity and wholly owned subsidiary of U.S. Bancorp. U.S. Bank is not responsible for and does not guarantee the products, services or performance of U.S. Bancorp Asset Management, Inc.