Make your cash balances work for you.
Stay informed about your cash position and get insights on how to make the most of your cash.
Track cash balances.
Easily gather cash balance data, manage daily cash variances and leverage historical financial data. Take advantage of configurable reporting tools and download information in your preferred format. Avoid overdraft fees and interest on borrowed funds.
Leverage cash forecasting tools.
Identify unexpected cash flows with tools that help you calculate projections, upload data, graph statistics and download results. Include inbound data exchange accounts and manually add data for non-U.S. Bank accounts to help you quickly build and update your forecast.
Protect your working capital.
Detect fraud with Positive Pay or ACH debit transactions.
Positive Pay electronically matches checks that are presented to items that a customer has disbursed and described on the issue file. Non-matching items are identified as exceptions, and you decide whether to pay or return non-matching items.
Prevent unauthorized ACH transactions.
ACH Filter and Block Services allow you to authorize specific Automated Clearing House (ACH) debits and/or credits or prevent all ACH transactions from posting to your U.S. Bank account.
Mitigate check fraud risk.
Check Filter Service helps reduce losses due to check fraud by preventing check transactions over a specified dollar amount or blocking all checks from posting to your account. Any check presented where the dollar amount is more than the established threshold will be returned.

Enhancing liquidity management: 4 benefits of visibility
Keep up to date with the evolving liquidity management landscape. These trends will help guide your strategy.