For DIY investors, self-directed investing allows you to trade stocks, mutual funds, ETFs and options yourself, directly online. When you open a self-directed brokerage account, you choose what you would like to invest in, as well as when you would like to buy, sell or trade investments in your portfolio.
Securely view all your U.S. Bancorp Investments accounts online using or our U.S. Bancorp Investments mobile app.
Get Morningstar stock and mutual fund reports and compare indices with interactive charts.
Create stock alerts and watch lists and learn about investment topics in our education center.
Trade stocks, options and ETFs at clearly set brokerage fees, and choose from over 10,000 mutual funds.

Get started investing and trading
Invest for what matters most with a general investing account or work toward retirement with a brokerage IRA. There are a range of options designed to help you meet your personal goals.
We make it easy to customize your investment strategy with $4.95 trades for stock and ETFs, and 100 free online trades2 a year with a self-directed brokerage account enrolled in paperless document delivery and a U.S. Bank Smartly™ Checking3 account offered by our affiliate U.S. Bank.
- Get 100 free trades
- $4.95 stock and ETF trades
- No minimum investment
Self-directed investing is currently only available to existing clients of U.S. Bancorp Investments and its affiliate U.S. Bank. Not a customer yet? We can help you get started - just call 800-888-4700.
Traditional IRA
Direct your pretax income into investments that can grow tax-deferred until you withdraw funds.
Roth IRA
Get tax-free growth potential and tax-free withdrawals after age 59½.
Small business owners and the self-employed can take advantage of tax-deferred growth potential and tax-deductible contributions.
Get 100 free trades
Get 100 free online trades a year and then just $4.95 for stock and ETF trades after that with no minimums to open an account. Find out more.
Want help managing your investments?
Frequently asked questions
Get answers to your self-directed investing questions. Start here or view all FAQ.
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