For DIY investors, self-directed investing allows you to trade stocks, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs)1 and options, directly online. When you open a self-directed brokerage account, you choose what you would like to invest in, as well as when you would like to buy, sell or trade investments in your portfolio.
About self-directed investing
Getting started
Managing your investments
Get help with your portfolio
New to investing? We are here to help.
Self-directed investing is not the only option you have when you begin your investment journey with U.S. Bancorp Investments. We also offer a robo-advisor approach with Automated Investor that invests your money for you. Take our quiz to see which of our investment options are right for you.
Automated Investor is exclusively for customers of U.S. Bank. Log into to open an account today or call 866-758-8655.
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