Understanding the goal of T+1

Securities settlement cycles have evolved in the different regions over time. With each change, the goal in moving to a shorter settlement cycle is to reduce risk and increase efficiencies. T+1 is expected to lower credit and counterparty risk, particularly during periods of high volatility, as well as moderate liquidity, margin, and capital requirements. 

T+1 will also bring challenges. The reduced timespan means there will be less time for core functions such as securities lending recalls, foreign exchange linked to securities transactions and potentially misaligned settlement cycles (Europe and many other markets will remain on T+2) based on the makeup of an ETF basket, to name a few key areas of focus.

U.S. Bank T+1 affirmation models

Please refer to the following affirmation models that U.S. Bank supports for T+1 settlement. Please ensure you have communicated your affirmation model to your custody administrator or trade services analyst. Also ensure use of your own TradeSuite ID to be listed in the “Inst/Broker” field as part of your settlement instructions.


Affirmation Model

Process Flow

Client-Generated Trade Instruction Formats

U.S. Bank Sends Affirmation Message to DTCC

Clients Who Can Benefit


A confirm is generated by the broker, affirmed by the client and sent to U.S. Bank which will auto generate a trade settlement instruction.

Client is not to send trade instructions.


Clients submitting single allocation trades who affirm confirms and do not send trade instruction to U.S. Bank.

Client Affirmation

Confirm is generated by the broker and affirmed by the client. Client sends trade instruction to U.S. Bank.

U.S. Bank automatically compares the trade instruction to the confirm for trade/confirm pairing and settlement.

Instruction required. Acceptable formats:

  • FTP (U.S. Bank Layout)
  • Pivot (U.S. Bank Layout)

Note: Auto Affirming would eliminate the need to instruct the custodian bank.


Clients affirming confirms, who submit custodial trade notifications via Automated Trade Transmission channels and may participate in an industry platform (e.g., DTCC M2i, CTM Affirmation workflow).

U.S. Bank Affirmation

U.S. Bank auto-matches client trade instructions received via FTP files, SWIFT message. Manual trade instructions received in files, PDF, etc., may involve manual matching processes against the broker confirm. U.S. Bank sends affirmation to DTCC.

Instruction required. Acceptable formats:

  • FTP (U.S. Bank Layout)
  • Pivot (U.S. Bank Layout)
  • Pivot Trade Affirmation
  • Email (least preferred method)


Clients who outsource affirmation services to U.S. Bank.

Affirmation Model


Process Flow

A confirm is generated by the broker, affirmed by the client and sent to U.S. Bank which will auto generate a trade settlement instruction.

Client-Generated Trade Instruction Formats

Client is not to send trade instructions.

U.S. Bank Sends Affirmation Message to DTCC


Clients Who Can Benefit

Clients submitting single allocation trades who affirm confirms and do not send trade instruction to U.S. Bank.

Affirmation Model

Client Affirmation

Process Flow

Confirm is generated by the broker and affirmed by the client. Client sends trade instruction to U.S. Bank.

U.S. Bank automatically compares the trade instruction to the confirm for trade/confirm pairing and settlement.

Client-Generated Trade Instruction Formats

Instruction required. Acceptable formats:

  • FTP (U.S. Bank Layout)
  • Pivot (U.S. Bank Layout)

Note: Auto Affirming would eliminate the need to instruct the custodian bank.

U.S. Bank Sends Affirmation Message to DTCC


Clients Who Can Benefit

Clients affirming confirms, who submit custodial trade notifications via Automated Trade Transmission channels and may participate in an industry platform (e.g., DTCC M2i, CTM Affirmation workflow).

Affirmation Model

U.S. Bank Affirmation

Process Flow

U.S. Bank auto-matches client trade instructions received via FTP files, SWIFT message. Manual trade instructions received in files, PDF, etc., may involve manual matching processes against the broker confirm. U.S. Bank sends affirmation to DTCC.

Client-Generated Trade Instruction Formats

Instruction required. Acceptable formats:

  • FTP (U.S. Bank Layout)
  • Pivot (U.S. Bank Layout)
  • Pivot Trade Affirmation
  • Email (least preferred method)

U.S. Bank Sends Affirmation Message to DTCC


Clients Who Can Benefit

Clients who outsource affirmation services to U.S. Bank.

Custody conversation on T+1 webinar

Watch the replay from our March 28 webinar where Doug McNaughton, Laura Cote and Brian Baker discussed insights from our client outreach campaign. You can also view the webinar presentation slides by clicking the link below.

Your checklist for T+1 readiness

Request your TradeSuite ID and communicate it to U.S. Bank.

Select a preferred affirmation model.

Eliminate manual instructions.

Explore DTCC’s Institutional Trade Processing product suite.

RIAs: Review the SEC’s new rules.

Your feedback matters

Let us know how we can help you with the T+1 transition.

“T+1 brings another push towards standardization and digital tools to achieve greater levels of straight-through-processing. Market participants need to review internal process flows and client behavioral trends to get ready."


Laura Cote
Senior Product Manager - Custody
Wealth, Corporate, Commercial and Institutional Banking (WCIB)


Access new cash, securities, custody-FX deadlines and Standing Settlement Instructions (SSIs) ahead of T+1.

Log in to U.S. Bank Pivot MarketWatch, a web-based information delivery system that provides market, regulatory and operational information for each market where U.S. Bank provides custody services. In Pivot, navigate to Trade Services to access a PDF with updated deadlines effective May 2024.

MarketWatch delivers real-time, market-specific news bulletins from our Global Network Management team directly to your inbox. If you do not currently have access to Pivot MarketWatch, contact your relationship manager for more information.

Man holding clipboard while working at desk

Look to your custodian in times of change.

Discover why and how you can rely on your service provider to help you and your teams navigate T+1 and other regulatory changes.

T+1 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Additional FAQs from U.S. Bank

This comprehensive set of 45 questions and answers addresses the move to T+1 in even more depth.

DTCC ALERT® Global Custodian Direct Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Additional Resources

DTCC TradeSuite ID FAQs

DTCC has created these helpful frequently asked questions documents regarding TradeSuite ID, including explanations of TradeSuite ID Numbers and how to obtain one.

Further Questions?

As a reminder, if you or your teams currently do not have access to Pivot, our online digital client experience platform, please reach out to your custody administrator or relationship manager.

Please contact your trade support analyst (TSA) or custody administrator with additional questions.

Start of disclosure content


Deposit products are offered by U.S. Bank National Association. Member FDIC.

Investment products and services are:
Not a deposit • Not FDIC insured • May lose value • Not bank guaranteed • Not insured by any federal government agency

U.S. Bank and its representatives are not providing tax, investment, legal, or any other form of advice by making this information available to you. Your tax and financial situation is unique. You should consult your tax and/or legal advisor for advice and information concerning your particular situation. U.S. Bank will not be responsible for updating any information contained within this material and opinions and information contained herein are subject to change without notice. Any and all implied or explicit opinions or recommendations contained in this information has been written to be informative and does not represent legal, tax, accounting, investment, financial, or other form of professional advice. Investment in global securities markets may involve significant risks of loss and U.S. Bank is not responsible for investment risks or other losses related to such investments made by you or on your behalf. U.S. Bank Global Corporate Trust is a trading name of U.S. Bank Global Corporate Trust Limited, U.S. Bank Trustees Limited and U.S. Bank Europe (each a U.S. Bancorp group company). U.S. Bank Global Corporate Trust Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales having the registration number 05521133 and a registered address of 125 Old Broad Street, Fifth Floor, London, EC2N 1AR. U.S. Bank Global Corporate Trust Limited, Dublin Branch is registered in Ireland with the Companies Registration Office under Reg. No. 909340 with its registered office at Block F1, Cherrywood Business Park, Cherrywood, Dublin 18, Ireland D18 W2X7. U.S. Bank Trustees Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales having the registration number 02379632 and a registered address of 125 Old Broad Street, Fifth Floor, London, EC2N 1AR. U.S. Bank Europe DAC (a U.S. Bancorp Company), trading as U.S. Bank Global Corporate Trust, is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Registered in Ireland with the Companies Registration Office, Reg. No. 418442. The liability of the member is limited. Registered Office: Block F1, Cherrywood Business Park, Cherrywood, Dublin 18, Ireland D18 W2X7. Directors: A list of names and personal details of every director of the company is available for inspection to the public at the company's registered office for a nominal fee. In the UK, U.S. Bank Europe DAC trades as U.S. Bank Global Corporate Trust through its UK Branch from its establishment at 125 Old Broad Street, Fifth Floor, London, EC2N 1AR (registered with the Registrar of Companies for England and Wales under Registration No. BR020005). Authorised and regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and with deemed variation of permission. Subject to regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and limited regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority. Details of the Temporary Permissions Regime, which allows EEA-based firms to operate in the UK for a limited period while seeking full authorisation, are available on the Financial Conduct Authority's website. All banking services are provided through U.S. Bank Europe DAC. U.S. Bank Global Corporate Trust Limited and U.S. Bank Trustees Limited are Trust Corporations and not banking institutions and are not authorised to carry on banking business in the United Kingdom, Ireland or any other jurisdiction.

U.S. Bank Global Fund Services (Ireland) Limited is registered in Ireland, Company Number 413707. Registered Office at 24 - 26 City Quay, Dublin 2, Ireland. Directors: Eimear Cowhey, Ken Somerville, Hosni Shadid (USA), Barry O'Connor, Maureen Stanley. U.S. Bank Global Fund Services (Ireland) Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

U.S. Bank Global Fund Services (Guernsey) Limited is licensed under the Protection of Investors (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2020, as amended, by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission to conduct controlled investment business in the Bailiwick of Guernsey.

U.S. Bank Global Fund Services (Luxembourg) S.a.r.l. is registered in Luxembourg with RCS number B238278 and Registered Office: Floor 3, K2 Ballade, 4, rue Albert Borschette, L-1246 Luxembourg. U.S. Bank Global Fund Services (Luxembourg) S.a.r.l. is authorised and regulated by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier.

U.S. Bank Europe DAC Luxembourg Branch (trading as U.S. Bank Depositary Services Luxembourg) is registered in Luxembourg with RCS number B244276 and Registered Office: Floor 3, K2 Ballade, 4, rue Albert Borschette, L-1246 Luxembourg, regulated and authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland (CBI) as well as by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF). Details about the extent of our authorisation and regulation by the CBI and the CSSF are available from us on request.

U.S. Bank Europe DAC, trading as U.S. Bank Depositary Services, is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland and is registered in Ireland with the Companies Registration Office Reg. No. 418442. The registered office is Block F1, Cherrywood Business Park, Loughlinstown, Dublin 18, Ireland D18 W2X7.

The information contained in this publication is for general information only and may have been obtained from one of several third party vendors that have contracted with U.S. Bank. The publication contains information believed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed as to accuracy, timeliness or completeness.