Understanding the goal of T+1
Securities settlement cycles have evolved in the different regions over time. With each change, the goal in moving to a shorter settlement cycle is to reduce risk and increase efficiencies. T+1 is expected to lower credit and counterparty risk, particularly during periods of high volatility, as well as moderate liquidity, margin, and capital requirements.
T+1 will also bring challenges. The reduced timespan means there will be less time for core functions such as securities lending recalls, foreign exchange linked to securities transactions and potentially misaligned settlement cycles (Europe and many other markets will remain on T+2) based on the makeup of an ETF basket, to name a few key areas of focus.
U.S. Bank T+1 affirmation models
Please refer to the following affirmation models that U.S. Bank supports for T+1 settlement. Please ensure you have communicated your affirmation model to your custody administrator or trade services analyst. Also ensure use of your own TradeSuite ID to be listed in the “Inst/Broker” field as part of your settlement instructions.
Affirmation Model |
Process Flow |
Client-Generated Trade Instruction Formats |
U.S. Bank Sends Affirmation Message to DTCC |
Clients Who Can Benefit |
Auto-Affirmation |
A confirm is generated by the broker, affirmed by the client and sent to U.S. Bank which will auto generate a trade settlement instruction. |
Client is not to send trade instructions. |
No |
Clients submitting single allocation trades who affirm confirms and do not send trade instruction to U.S. Bank. |
Client Affirmation |
Confirm is generated by the broker and affirmed by the client. Client sends trade instruction to U.S. Bank.
Instruction required. Acceptable formats:
Note: Auto Affirming would eliminate the need to instruct the custodian bank. |
No |
Clients affirming confirms, who submit custodial trade notifications via Automated Trade Transmission channels and may participate in an industry platform (e.g., DTCC M2i, CTM Affirmation workflow). |
U.S. Bank Affirmation |
U.S. Bank auto-matches client trade instructions received via FTP files, SWIFT message. Manual trade instructions received in files, PDF, etc., may involve manual matching processes against the broker confirm. U.S. Bank sends affirmation to DTCC. |
Instruction required. Acceptable formats:
Yes |
Clients who outsource affirmation services to U.S. Bank. |
Affirmation Model
Process Flow
A confirm is generated by the broker, affirmed by the client and sent to U.S. Bank which will auto generate a trade settlement instruction.
Client-Generated Trade Instruction Formats
Client is not to send trade instructions.
U.S. Bank Sends Affirmation Message to DTCC
Clients Who Can Benefit
Clients submitting single allocation trades who affirm confirms and do not send trade instruction to U.S. Bank.
Affirmation Model
Client Affirmation
Process Flow
Confirm is generated by the broker and affirmed by the client. Client sends trade instruction to U.S. Bank.
U.S. Bank automatically compares the trade instruction to the confirm for trade/confirm pairing and settlement.
Client-Generated Trade Instruction Formats
Instruction required. Acceptable formats:
- FTP (U.S. Bank Layout)
- Pivot (U.S. Bank Layout)
Note: Auto Affirming would eliminate the need to instruct the custodian bank.
U.S. Bank Sends Affirmation Message to DTCC
Clients Who Can Benefit
Clients affirming confirms, who submit custodial trade notifications via Automated Trade Transmission channels and may participate in an industry platform (e.g., DTCC M2i, CTM Affirmation workflow).
Affirmation Model
U.S. Bank Affirmation
Process Flow
U.S. Bank auto-matches client trade instructions received via FTP files, SWIFT message. Manual trade instructions received in files, PDF, etc., may involve manual matching processes against the broker confirm. U.S. Bank sends affirmation to DTCC.
Client-Generated Trade Instruction Formats
Instruction required. Acceptable formats:
- FTP (U.S. Bank Layout)
- Pivot (U.S. Bank Layout)
- Pivot Trade Affirmation
- Email (least preferred method)
U.S. Bank Sends Affirmation Message to DTCC
Clients Who Can Benefit
Clients who outsource affirmation services to U.S. Bank.
Custody conversation on T+1 webinar
Watch the replay from our March 28 webinar where Doug McNaughton, Laura Cote and Brian Baker discussed insights from our client outreach campaign. You can also view the webinar presentation slides by clicking the link below.
Your feedback matters
Let us know how we can help you with the T+1 transition.
“T+1 brings another push towards standardization and digital tools to achieve greater levels of straight-through-processing. Market participants need to review internal process flows and client behavioral trends to get ready."
Laura Cote
Senior Product Manager - Custody
Wealth, Corporate, Commercial and Institutional Banking (WCIB)
Access new cash, securities, custody-FX deadlines and Standing Settlement Instructions (SSIs) ahead of T+1.
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