What is Paze?

Paze is an online checkout solution that makes it easy for you to make online purchases without sharing your card numbers.

It’s offered by U.S. Bank and other participating banks and credit unions. All eligible cards from participating financial institutions will be available in one place.

Make online transactions easy and convenient, with added security.


There’s no need to enroll in Paze or upload your cards. Your eligible cards from participating banks and credit unions will automatically display in Paze.


When you check out, simply enter your email address. There’s no need to enter your card number.

Added security

With Paze, your actual card number is replaced with a unique number at checkout to give you added security.

Logos for US Bank and Paze on a white background.

Frequently asked questions

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  1. Footnote 1

    Some merchants may require account setup to make purchases.

    Return to content, Footnote 1

Paze and the Paze related marks are wholly owned by Early Warning Services, LLC and are used herein under license.

Deposit products are offered by U.S. Bank National Association. Member FDIC.