If you’re interested in changing your due date or when the statement prints, please be aware of the following important information:
- The statement cycle date and due date are connected, which means if you change one, it changes both.
- For example, changing the cycle date of your checking account will change when your reserve line payment is due.
- If there's a payment currently due, it'll need to be paid by the due date, since that date can't be changed.
- The account needs to go through a full billing cycle before the due date will change.
- Mortgages: Cycle dates and due dates for home loans can't be changed once they're established at the time of opening.
- Other loans, leases, or lines of credit: Cycle date changes can only be made once in the life of the loan, lease, or line of credit.
When you're ready and with the date in mind, give us a call at 800-USBANKS (872-2657). If your account is eligible, we'll help you change it.