Compare U.S. Bank savings accounts

Bank Smartly® Savings Account

Best for

  • Competitive standard interest rates across all balance levels
  • Higher annual percentage yield when paired with Bank Smartly® Checking or other eligible products
  • Easy access to funds and digital budgeting tools


3.50% APY

with the presence of a Bank Smartly® Checking, Safe Debit account, or Bank Smartly™ Visa Signature® card and a Combined Qualifying Balance of at least $100,000.1 APYs may vary by location.

Want to see how relationship rates grow? Consider your initial deposit, add up all your U.S. Bank qualifying balances and check out all the rates.



See how to waive the fee.3

Minimum opening deposit


Elite Money Market Account

Best for

  • Greater interest-earning power
  • Benefits similar to a checking account
  • Easy access to funds when you need them


3.25% APY

when you deposit at least $50,000 into a new Elite Money Market Account or an existing account that was opened within the last 30 days.2

Already have a money market account? Log in and select products and offers to view your personalized rates.4

Monthly maintenance fee


See how to waive the fee.5

Minimum opening deposit


Grow your savings with a certificate of deposit (CD).

CDs may be a good choice if you have some money in savings that you’re unlikely to need right away. They offer a higher interest rate than a traditional savings account in exchange for leaving your money untouched for an agreed upon time.

Minimum opening deposit

$500 up to a maximum of $250,000

Learn about CDs and see rates.

Already bank with us? Log in and select products and offers to view your personalized rates.

Financial IQ quick tip: Learn how CDs grow your money, when to consider one and what your options are.

Save smarter for retirement.

Open a Retirement Money Market account and build out a retirement plan6 that helps you:

  • Diversify your retirement portfolio6
  • Earn interest on your balances
  • Access tax advantages
  • No monthly maintenance fees. This account requires an individual retirement account plan.6


$100 or just $25 with an automatic monthly deposit

Learn more about retirement money market accounts or apply in a branch.


Our savings accounts come with the benefits you deserve.

You’ll find features to help you quickly build a budget and easily manage your finances.

Easy-to-waive maintenance fees

Save on maintenance fees if you’re a U.S. Bank Smartly® Checking account holder enrolled in the Smart Rewards® Primary tier or above or meet one of the other fee waiver requirements for a Bank Smartly® Savings Account or Elite Money Market Account.

Overdraft protection

Avoid the inconvenience of an unexpected shortage of funds by linking your account to a U.S. Bank Smartly® Checking account. See Your Deposit Account Agreement for a full list of options.

On-the-go banking

Enjoy industry-leading, secure digital banking tools and services that allow you to bank how, when and where you want.

Confidence and security

Get the added protection of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). Savings accounts at U.S. Bank are FDIC-insured to the maximum amount allowed by the FDIC. The standard insurance amount is $250,000 per depositor, for each deposit insurance ownership category.7

Fewer fees, greater access

Save on ATM transaction fees and tap into your savings whenever you need it when you access one of the largest branch and ATM networks in America.8

Custom account alerts

Set up text or email reminders about transfers, low balances and other important account activity.9

Get answers to common questions about savings accounts.


Explore helpful tips on smarter ways to save.

Check out these helpful articles to find answers to questions about savings accounts or brush up on other financial topics.

9 simple ways to save

Discover habits that can help you save long-term.

Savings account interest rates: Myths vs. facts

Read up on common misconceptions about saving.

Certificates of deposit: How they work to grow your money

Learn how CDs work, when to consider one and your options.

Start of disclosure content


Investment and insurance products and services including annuities are:
Not a deposit • Not FDIC insured • May lose value • Not bank guaranteed • Not insured by any federal government agency.

For U.S. Bank: 

U.S. Bank is not responsible for and does not guarantee the products, services or performance of U.S. Bancorp Investments and U.S. Bancorp Advisors. 

  1. Footnote 1

    The interest rates and APYs for the U.S. Bank Smartly® Savings account are variable, determined at the bank’s discretion, and can change at any time, including after the account is opened. A minimum opening deposit of $25 is required to open.

    Eligibility for an interest rate bump: The interest rate bump is applicable for Bank Smartly® Savings when at least one account owner maintains an open and in good standing eligible product (U.S. Bank Smartly® Checking, Safe Debit account or a U.S. Bank Smartly™ Visa Signature® Card). Bank Smartly Savings accounts without an eligible product will earn the standard variable interest rate shown above. U.S. Bank Smart Rewards® enrollment is not required to qualify for this benefit. The interest rate bump is determined by the combined qualifying balances, as shown above.

    What is included in the Combined Qualifying Balance: Qualifying balances include consumer or trust accounts where the account is open and you are an account owner. Note: Balances in business accounts, commercial accounts, and the Trustee only (IFI) , Grantor only (GRT) or Trustee & Grantor - Irrevocable Trust (TRG) client relationships do not qualify.

    • Checking accounts
    • Money Market savings accounts
    • Savings accounts
    • CDs and/or IRAs
    • Personal Trust accounts
    • U.S. Bancorp Investments accounts
    • U.S. Bancorp Advisors brokerage accounts

    How is the Combined Qualifying Balance calculated: The Combined Qualifying Balance is calculated separately for each account owner monthly. For Bank Smartly Savings accounts with multiple owners, the owner with the highest Combined Qualifying Balance will be used to determine the Smartly Interest Rate Bump tier. The interest rate bump and balance range information will be visible to all owners on the joint account. The Combined Qualifying Balance is determined as follows:

    First, at the end of each month an average Combined Qualifying Balance is calculated. The balance is based on a 90-day average balance for all qualifying accounts and is calculated by adding together the end of day ledger combined balances for every day in the last 90 days and dividing the total by

    • 90 calendar days, or
    • the number of days since opening an initial qualified account

    Next, the Smartly Interest Rate Bump tier that is applied to your Bank Smartly Savings account is determined by one of two potential calculations:

    • For the initial evaluation after opening your first qualifying account and at the beginning of every calendar month thereafter, we will apply the Smartly Interest Rate Bump tier based upon the average Combined Qualifying Balance (as described above)
    • In addition, we will review the Combined Qualifying Balances on a daily basis to determine whether you qualify for a higher Smartly Interest Rate Bump tier based upon the day’s Combined Qualifying Balances.

    If your daily Combined Qualifying Balances qualifies you for a tier upgrade, you will be moved to the higher tier (within 5 business days). You will remain in that tier until you qualify for a higher tier based on your daily Combined Qualifying Balances, or the calculated monthly Combined Qualifying Balance qualifies you for a higher or lower tier.

    The Smartly Interest Rate Bump tier will be applied to your Bank Smartly Savings account within the first 5 business days of each month or upon reaching a higher tier, which means that the tier that will be applied to your account may vary during a billing cycle.

    How is the interest rate bump determined: After the first eligible Bank Smartly Savings account is opened and the eligible product verification is completed, on the next business day we will determine the initial interest rate bump based upon the average Combined Qualifying Balances (as described above). The interest rate bump is added to the standard interest rate to calculate the interest rate applied to the entire account balance in the eligible Bank Smartly Savings account generally within five business days. The interest rate bump can be adjusted up or down or remain the same (as described above). If the Bank Smartly Savings account is closed, the interest rate bump will cease immediately, and accrued interest will not be paid. If the required eligible product (Bank Smartly Checking, Safe Debit account or a U.S. Bank Smartly™ Visa Signature® Card) is closed but the Bank Smartly Savings account remains open, the interest rate bump will remain valid until the end of the calendar month.

    Balance and interest information:You must maintain the minimum balance needed for each tier in order to earn the Annual Percentage Yield (APY) disclosed. All rates and APYs are subject to change after the account is opened. Fees could reduce earnings on the account. Interest rates currently offered on applicable deposit accounts are determined at the bank's discretion and may change daily. The daily balance is the balance at the end of each business day, equal to the beginning balance for that day plus the current business day credits, minus the current business day debits. Business days are Monday through Friday; federal holidays are not included. We use the daily balance method to calculate interest on all deposit accounts. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the principal in the account each day. Interest on your check deposit begins to accrue on the business day we receive credit for your applicable deposit accounts. Interest will be compounded daily and credited to your account monthly for all savings accounts, except Standard Savings, which is paid quarterly. If you close your account before interest is credited, you will not receive the accrued interest.

    Return to content, Footnote 1
  2. Footnote 2

    How to obtain the rate: This rate is valid on new accounts for clients who do not have an existing consumer money market account or for clients with an existing consumer money market account that has been open for less than 30 days. This rate is not valid for clients with a consumer money market account closed within the last 30 days. Get the Annual Percentage Yield (APY) as noted above by depositing at least $50,000 within 30 days of account opening. A minimum opening deposit of $100 is required to open. If you do not deposit $50,000 within 30 days, the standard interest rate will be applied.

    How to maintain the rate:  Deposit at least $50,000 within 30 days of account opening and maintain a minimum daily balance of at least $50,000 each day thereafter. If the account balance falls below $50,000 the standard interest rate will be applied until the account balance is at or above $50,000 again. All interest rates and APYs are determined at the bank’s discretion and are subject to change at any time, including after the account is opened, regardless of account balance. Fees will reduce your eligible balance, and deposits are needed to cover these fees to maintain the daily balance for this rate offer.

    The standard interest rate balance tiers and APYs are accurate as of today's date: Under $10,000: 0.01%; $10,000 to $24,999.99: 0.01%; $25,000 to $49,999.99: 0.25%; $50,000 to $99,999.99: 0.25%; $100,000 to $499,999.99: 0.25%; $500,000 and above: 0.25%.

    Interest information: You must maintain the minimum daily balance needed for each tier in order to earn the Annual Percentage Yield (APY) disclosed. Interest will be compounded daily and credited to your account monthly. We use the daily balance method to calculate interest on all deposit accounts. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the principal in the account each day. Interest on your check deposit begins to accrue on the business day we receive credit for this account. If you close your account before interest is credited you will not receive the accrued interest. Fees could reduce earnings on the account. Other restrictions may apply.

    Return to content, Footnote 2
  3. Footnote 3

    The $5 monthly maintenance fee is waived with the presence of a Bank Smartly® Checking, Safe Debit account, Bank Smartly™ Visa Signature® card, or for accounts with a minor under the age of 18.

    Return to content, Footnote 3
  4. Footnote 4

    Variable rate account –The interest rates and annual percentage yields (APYs) are variable, determined at the bank’s discretion, and can change at any time, including after the account is opened. Speak to a banker for current deposit rates, disclosures on rates, compounding and crediting, and other balance information.

    Return to content, Footnote 4
  5. Footnote 5

    The daily balance is the balance at the end of each business day, equal to the beginning balance for that day plus the current business day credits, minus the current business day debits. Business days are Monday through Friday; federal holidays are not included.

    Return to content, Footnote 5
  6. Footnote 6

    This account requires an individual retirement account plan. Retirement Money Market accounts are only available at U.S. Bank branches. Personal Trust IRAs are excluded.

    Return to content, Footnote 6
  7. Footnote 7

    FDIC insured to the maximum allowed by law.

    Return to content, Footnote 7
  8. Footnote 8

    ATM Transaction Fee. U.S. Bank will assess this fee for each ATM Transaction conducted at the Non-U.S. Bank ATM. Non-U.S. Bank ATMs are defined as any ATM that does not display the U.S. Bank logo in any manner, physically on the ATM or digitally on the screen.

    ATM Surcharge. Non-U.S. Bank ATM owners may apply a surcharge fee on ATM transactions at their ATMs. U.S. Bank participates in MoneyPass®, an ATM surcharge free network. To find MoneyPass ATM locations, select “visit the MoneyPass locator” at the bottom of our ATM locator search results to be taken to the MoneyPass website. If you use an ATM that uses the MoneyPass® Network and are charged a surcharge fee, please call us at 800-USBANKS (872-2657) for a refund of the surcharge fee. However, a Non-U.S. Bank ATM Transaction Fee may be assessed on transactions at a MoneyPass ATM.

    Please refer to the Consumer Pricing Information (PDF) disclosure section titled Miscellaneous Checking, Savings or Money Market Fees for a summary of ATM transaction fees.

    Return to content, Footnote 8
  9. Footnote 9

    Text messaging fees – For text alerts, standard messaging charges apply through your mobile carrier and message frequency depends on account settings. Check with your carrier for specific fees and charges. Please be advised that the alerts may not be sent immediately.

    Return to content, Footnote 9
  10. Footnote 10

    Personal Trust account balances are the current account balance as of close of the prior day for eligible trust account types that are held for your benefit: IRAs, Agency accounts, Revocable Trust accounts and Custody accounts.

    Return to content, Footnote 10
  11. Footnote 11

    For U.S. Bancorp Investments:

    Investment and insurance products and services including annuities are available through U.S. Bancorp Investments, the marketing name for U.S. Bancorp Investments, Inc., member FINRA and SIPC, an investment adviser and a brokerage subsidiary of U.S. Bancorp and affiliate of U.S. Bank. Insurance products are available through various affiliated non-bank insurance agencies, which are U.S. Bancorp subsidiaries. Products may not be available in all states. CA Insurance License# 0E24641.

    Return to content, Footnote 11
  12. Footnote 12

    U.S. Bank Smartly Savings qualifying balance information includes affiliated U.S. Bancorp Investments (USBI) components, which is being translated for your convenience. USBI offers its products primarily in English and may not be able to offer certain products in a particular foreign language.

    Return to content, Footnote 12
  13. Footnote 13

    For U.S. Bancorp Advisors: 

    Brokerage and investment advisory products and services are offered by U.S. Bancorp Advisors, LLC, an SEC-registered broker-dealer, investment adviser, member FINRA / SIPC, and subsidiary of U.S. Bancorp and affiliate of U.S. Bank, N.A. Insurance services are offered by USBA Insurance Services, a dba of U.S. Bancorp Advisors, having a California domicile and principal place of business at 800 N. Brand Blvd., 16th Floor, Glendale, CA 91203, CA Insurance License #6011694. Products may not be available in all states.

    Return to content, Footnote 13
  14. Footnote 14

    U.S. Bank Smartly Savings qualifying balance information includes affiliated U.S. Bancorp Advisors (USBA) components, which is being translated for your convenience. USBA offers its products only in English and may not be able to offer certain products in a particular foreign language.

    Return to content, Footnote 14
  15. Footnote 15

    Trustee (IFI) - The person(s) or entity are serving in the capacity of trustee(s) but are not grantor(s). The trustee typically manages the assets of the trust account and distributes property according to the terms of the trust document.

    Return to content, Footnote 15
  16. Footnote 16

    Grantor (GRT) - The individual(s) who created the trust. Grantors may also be referred to as the settlor or trustor. Grantors may also serve as the trustee(s) of the trust.

    Return to content, Footnote 16
  17. Footnote 17

    Trustee & Grantor - Irrevocable trust (TRG) - Individual grantor(s) of an irrevocable trust also serving as trustee(s).

    Return to content, Footnote 17

Deposit products are offered by U.S. Bank National Association. Member FDIC.