
Working together to drive inclusive and sustainable growth

June 28, 2024

U.S. Bank aims to operate sustainably while providing opportunities for people, businesses and communities to thrive

U.S. Bank today released its 2023 Corporate Responsibility Report, which highlights how the bank drives inclusive and sustainable growth for its clients, employees, businesses and communities.

The report covers the bank’s efforts throughout 2023 to help people and the planet, including:

  • Contributing $96.4 million in U.S. Bank corporate donations and U.S. Bank Foundation* giving
  • Investing $3.2 billion in renewable energy tax equity and debt commitments
  • Providing financial education to 1.5 million individuals, with a focus on underserved communities
  • Offering $3 billion in affordable housing tax equity and debt commitments
  • Expanding the focus of the U.S. Bank Access Commitment® to include the Hispanic community

“Our success relies on the prosperity of our stakeholders, and we help them by leading with our core values; increasing equity, access and economic empowerment; and enabling a sustainable future,” said Andy Cecere, chairman and CEO of U.S. Bank.

U.S. Bank business lines and functions work together to help the bank address the business risk and opportunities of key ESG issues while working to meet evolving stakeholder needs. That includes providing access to products and services that expand financial education and inclusion for underserved communities, creating initiatives to reduce the company’s impact on the environment and supporting clients with their environmental and social goals.

“We are proud of the work we have done and will continue to do to have a positive impact on people and the planet,” said Reba Dominski, senior executive vice president and chief social responsibility officer. “We’re working every day across U.S. Bank to empower communities, provide access to financial resources and capital, and support our clients.” 

The report has been informed by external frameworks such as the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board standards and the Global Reporting Initiative reporting standards.

*U.S. Bank Foundation is a tax-exempt private foundation described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Foundation is funded primarily through contributions from U.S. Bank National Association and its affiliates and subsidiaries. The Foundation’s mission is to close the gaps between people and possibility in the areas of work, home, and play.

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