U.S. Bank Mobile App continues to win accolades, add new features

Ranked #1 by a consensus of benchmarking firms, the app just keeps getting better – and extending its lead.
When U.S. Bank launched its new mobile app in 2019, the bank wanted to give its customers the best tools possible to manage their money. Nearly four years and hundreds of new features later, the U.S. Bank Mobile App continues to receive industry-leading accolades and add new ways to help customers achieve their financial goals.
In the past year alone, U.S. Bank became the first financial institution to launch a Spanish-language voice assistant for banking, and added a new Goals feature that makes it easy for customers to compile and chart their progress toward major life goals like “Buy a Home” or “Start or Grow my Business.” Several longstanding features, meanwhile, continue to hit new milestones. And the industry has taken notice.
The most-wanted features
U.S. Bank last month took first place in Insider Intelligence’s 2022 Mobile Banking scorecard – by a wide margin. The bank’s 75 points far outpaced the rest of the pack (second place scored 56 points, third and fourth scored 52 and fifth scored 50).
The sixth annual study analyzed 42 emerging features across the top 20 US financial institutions’ mobile apps to determine which are best positioned to reel in prospects and keep existing customers satisfied. The report said customers who are looking for a new bank list mobile capabilities as their top consideration – and that U.S. Bank delivered.
“U.S. Bank offered features that mattered most,” the report said. “Its mobile app included eight of the respondents’ 10 most valued features. And it finished first in a benchmark best of three categories,” Transfers, Account Management, and a perfect score for Alerts.
“These recognitions are validation that we’re achieving what we set out to do with the app: creating an intuitive, seamless experience for our customers that delivers tools and insights that help them bank when and how they want.”
Dominic Venturo, U.S. Bank Chief Digital Officer
The best in mobile banking
The study joins a host of other accolades that demonstrate U.S. Bank’s mobile banking leadership. For the third time in a row, the U.S. Bank Mobile App was ranked No. 1 in Keynova Group‘s Mobile Banking Scorecard. Javelin named U.S. Bank an Overall Leader in Mobile Banking, including a Category Leader in five of six categories, and a leader for another two categories in Online Banking. Additionally, Deque gave the bank a Native Mobility Accessibility Award for its commitment to ensuring the U.S. Bank mobile app is easy to use for people with disabilities.
“These recognitions are validation that we’re achieving what we set out to do with the app: creating an intuitive, seamless experience for our customers that delivers tools and insights that help them bank when and how they want,” said Dominic Venturo, U.S. Bank chief digital officer.
Reaching your goals
The Goals Portal, available on the mobile app and online banking, combines behavioral science with a digital experience to give customers a personalized experience to achieve their major life goals. So far, more than 330,000 customers have planned for or achieved more than 400,000 meaningful goals and outcomes in their lives.
“Banking is about more than moving your money around,” said Ankit Bhatt, chief digital officer for consumer segment at U.S. Bank. “It’s about understanding how to use your money in ways that help you achieve your goals, and our Goals feature gives customers an amazing, personalized experience to do just that.”
Better every month
At the same time, Bhatt said, U.S. Bank has been working to make its existing best-in-class features even better. For example, by monitoring the customer queries through Smart Assistant, the team has been able to gain insights into how to improve other tools. Since Smart Assistant debuted in mid-2020, the feature has answered more than 16 million queries from customers – in fact, there are now more active mobile app customers who have used Smart Assistant than those who haven’t.
And the bank’s cobrowse feature, which enables U.S. Bank employees to remotely see what a customer sees when using digital tools, ramped up in the early days of the pandemic and has become an essential tool with more than 6 million cobrowse sessions completed. In the summer of 2021, U.S. Bank added live video of the banker to the experience, which has also proved to be tremendously popular with bankers and customers alike.
The best part of the U.S. Bank Mobile App? New features are added every month.