
Market leader reflects on how a career pivot led to greater success

May 21, 2024
Jill Warman is based in Cincinnati and has worked for U.S. Bank since 1992.

Jill Warman’s change in career path in 2016 led to her being the commercial banking market leader for Ohio today

Jill Warman had worked in global treasury management at U.S. Bank for more than 20 years – winning multiple performance awards, traveling across the country and consulting with top clients in all business lines – when she was presented with an opportunity to grow her career.

“I loved my job in treasury management, where we provided solutions that helped clients manage every phase of the business payment cycle, but I was open to the idea of a new challenge,” said Warman, who is based in Cincinnati and started with U.S. Bank in 1992. “When I was approached in 2016 about moving over to commercial banking, I thought to myself that if I didn’t do it then, I never would.”

Warman decided to make the leap and became the Cincinnati team leader for commercial banking, serving large payment and middle-market-sized companies. She led her team to success in that role, and in 2022 was named commercial banking market leader for Ohio.

The commercial banking team provides access and education to clients about a variety of capital resources, including revolving lines of credit, term loans, asset-based financing, equipment financing, new market tax credit financing, private placements and syndications.

“We consult on areas that will improve a company’s cash flow and working capital,” she said. “We also solve problems and refer our clients to important areas of the bank to help them be more secure and improve their internal efficiencies.”

Adjusting to the new role took some time but Warman adapted quickly, she said.

“There was a lot of learning and discovery involved with the move, but never discount the fact that you can learn something new and do something different,” Warman said. “You really can make a complete pivot in your career. With great mentors around you and a can-do attitude, you can successfully grow yourself and chart a new path.”

Warman said she spends most of her time leading her team of commercial bankers, meeting with clients and prospects, and building relationships in the community and within U.S. Bank.

“I dig in with day-to-day activities, attend networking and community events with my team, and help do my part to assist our clients with their banking needs,” she said.

One of the things Warman said she likes the most about her role is working to remove hurdles for her team so that they can be successful and grow in their careers.

“I am not afraid to roll up my sleeves and jump in to support them so they can be the most helpful advocate for their clients,” she said.

Warman said that when she first moved to commercial banking, people wondered why she’d want to start over after years of success in treasury management.

“I think you must look for opportunities to keep growing in your career,” she said. “I’ve learned so many things in this role. It’s been a great step, and I think I can inspire others to not be afraid to take the leap in a new direction.”

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