U.S. Bancorp Enterprise Financial Crimes Compliance (EFCC) has set forth anti-money laundering (AML) and economic sanctions (ES) requirements for U.S. Bancorp, its domestic and international subsidiaries and affiliates. EFCC has developed AML and ES Policies to comply with laws and regulations of the United States and all countries in which the Company operates, including the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), and the USA PATRIOT Act.
AML and Economic Sanctions Compliance Program
Select the link below to view a letter from U.S. Bancorp Enterprise Financial Crimes Compliance Executive outlining the AML and ES programs set forth by U.S. Bancorp.
U.S. Bancorp AML Questionnaires
The Wolfsberg Group Financial Crime Compliance Questionnaire (FCCQ) provides high-level information about the U.S. Bancorp Anti-Money Laundering program.
For additional information about U.S. Bancorp's Anti-Money Laundering program, please email AMLRequestsWolfsbergQuestionnaire@usbank.com to request the Wolfsberg Group Anti-Money Laundering Questionnaire.
PATRIOT Act Certification
Select the link below to view or print the PATRIOT Act Certification (PAC). This document is for any foreign bank that maintains a correspondent account with any U.S. Bank or broker-dealer in securities.