Drivers of change: Integrated payment experiences (DESCRIPTION) Logo: U.S. Bank. Text: Mike Jorgensen, SVP, Emerging Solutions and Strategy, U.S. Bank. In a photo, two people shake hands. (SPEECH) We live in an interesting time when companies are trying to figure out how they can be more efficient and how they can differentiate themselves from their competition. And their customers are demanding that they have a better integrated payment experience with whatever they want to accomplish. There (DESCRIPTION) Text: 3 drivers of embedding payments: 1, Market demands. In photos, people work with laptops. (SPEECH) are really three main drivers that we're finding. Number one is what the market is demanding. Customers that are doing work with another company demand that they can do things online, they can do things in real time, and that they can have an integrated experience where they don't have to jump between sites or different providers. We're trying to help those customers create a better consumer experience. (DESCRIPTION) Text: 2, Differentiation. Sunlight gleams on high rise building windows, and colleagues attend meetings in conference rooms. Three colleagues review charts and graphs together. (SPEECH) The second area is differentiation. Our customers, or the large companies, medium-sized companies, are looking for a way to set them apart from their competition. They want to have a better experience. They want to have more efficient processes. That is another factor that's really driving a lot of the change in the market. (DESCRIPTION) Text: 3, Need for efficiency. A flow chart graphic appears over a photo of a person using a laptop. (SPEECH) And then the third one is what we would call efficiency, or, how do I make my operational flow, how do I make my experience with my customers and with my vendors as efficient as possible? Those three drivers are creating change, and it's really interesting to see how a bank, as a partner, can come in and help a customer on all three elements to be able to drive that change. (DESCRIPTION) Logo: U.S. Bank. Equal Housing Lender. Member FDIC. Copyright 2024 U.S. Bank.