Access Home Loan helps mother of four become homeowner   [MUSIC PLAYING]   [DESCRIPTION] Melody Jones rented her home for 15 years. She recently purchased it with the help of Acts Housing and U.S. Bank as part of its Access Home initiative.   [DESCRIPTION] Outside front of Melody’s house and neighbor homes   [SPEECH] I was the first person that ever lived in this house, and my youngest one was born here.   [DESCRIPTION] Text, Melody Jones, Access Home Loan Customer Melody seated at her dining table   [SPEECH] And I raised him here.   [DESCRIPTION] Melody sitting on front porch with grandkids   [SPEECH] I wanted to buy it so I'd have something for my kids and my grandkids to have.   [DESCRIPTION] Sodi Nichols sitting at desk Text, Sodi Nichols, Director of Strategic Design and Community Impact, U.S. Bank   [SPEECH] Melody, being a single mom working three jobs, to be able to own that home, I've been able to hear firsthand from Melody just how impactful that has been. And I can only imagine what it means for her children.   [DESCRIPTION] Melody’s grandson in living room watching TV, Melody looking on   [SPEECH] I didn't know anything about buying a house. I just know I always wanted my own.   [DESCRIPTION] Melody seated at her dining table   [SPEECH] I thought it was going to be real hard, but it wasn't.   [DESCRIPTION] Interior of building lobby with U.S. Bank “Build a legacy” signage   [SPEECH] A lot of people don't know about all the programs that's out there that could help them. I didn't know you could get help through different organizations.   [DESCRIPTION] Sodi Nichols sitting at desk   [SPEECH] I've come to know and appreciate exactly what this means for her and her family. The work aligned to the Access Home initiative and the overarching Access commitment,   [DESCRIPTION] Melody entering home as Sodi continues talking   [SPEECH] We really are changing the mindset of what individuals and families can envision as viable for them and their families.   [DESCRIPTION] Melody at event, holding a sign: U.S. Bank logo, #TimeToOwnIt   [SPEECH] It's not impossible. You can do it. You could always do anything you put your mind to.   [MUSIC PLAYING]   [DESCRIPTION] Logo, U.S. Bank. Equal Housing Lender, Member FDIC. ©2023 U.S. Bank.