Greenlight What's a credit report (DESCRIPTION) In an animation, lines of text appear on a report card. (SPEECH) SPEAKER: A credit report is a lot like your high school report card. But instead of tracking your grades, like that A you earned in speech and debate, your credit report tracks how well you're managing your credit-- in other words, your credit worthiness. (DESCRIPTION) The report card flips over. Text and charts appear on a credit report. A squirrel with puffy cheeks thinks, "That's a mouthful." (SPEECH) Lenders want to know if you're a risky borrower. (DESCRIPTION) A lumpy green monster stands over a risk dial that moves to red. The monster scowls and blinks. (SPEECH) Your credit report helps lenders decide if you're reliable. Plus, it helps them determine how much they'll give you and what interest rate to charge you. (DESCRIPTION) More dials appear below titled borrow limit and interest rate. (SPEECH) Your credit report shows all of your credit accounts and how well you're managing them. Want (DESCRIPTION) These dials appear next to a list of accounts. (SPEECH) to stay on honor roll? (DESCRIPTION) The monster smiles and stands atop a podium wearing a graduation cap and honor roll sash. (SPEECH) Pay what you owe on time and in the full amount. (DESCRIPTION) A person pays bills online. They click, pay now. (SPEECH) And check your credit report frequently. (DESCRIPTION) A smiling dial moves from red to blue. A credit report shows a score of 680.