Greenlight Investing early (DESCRIPTION) In an animation, a yellow man wearing a dinosaur rides a moped. (SPEECH) SPEAKER: It's never too early to plan your Halloween costume. Start (DESCRIPTION) Coins fall into a jar decorated with a waving snowman, lights, and a stocking. (SPEECH) saving for the holidays or invest your money. (DESCRIPTION) A stock chart line moves up. (SPEECH) If you invested $100 per month, starting at age 16, with an annual return of 10%, by the time you're 65, you'd have more than $1.5 million. (DESCRIPTION) A graph rises over the years. (SPEECH) Meanwhile, if you wait until you're 21 to start investing the same amount, you'd have under $1 million, more than $500,000 less at 65. (DESCRIPTION) A shorter graph appears under the taller graph. $900,000. (SPEECH) So the five-year head start made a huge difference. You see, growth begins to curve higher over time as you're earning returns on larger investments. (DESCRIPTION) A graphs bars rise higher and higher, past flying planes and a shuttle shooting into space. (SPEECH) So the longer you invest, the more time your money has to grow. (DESCRIPTION) Stars twinkle and meteors fly through space. (SPEECH) But while it's never too early to start investing, it's never too late, either.