U.S. Bank Optimization Services: Maximize Payables Program Performance

Logo, U.S. Bank. Text, U.S. Bank Optimization Services, Maximize payables program performance. A woman next to a graphic of a clipboard with rays that shoot out, a list and checkboxes. 

Goals-- we all have them. At U.S. Bank, we even encourage our clients to set goals for their commercial card program, and then we help you reach them. 

A checkmark in the first box. An easel with the word "fraud" with rays that shoot out. 

If you're like many organizations, reducing fraud is an important goal. In fact, 81% of companies surveyed experienced some kind of payment fraud last year. 

Text, 2020 A. F. P. Payments Fraud and Control Survey; 2018 R P M G Electronic Accounts Payable benchmark Survey. 

But with virtual payments, that risk drops close to zero, and that means significant savings. 

A line moves up then down. Dollar signs rain down. 

Or maybe increasing efficiencies is on your list. 

Rays shoot out from a dollar sign. 

When you look at the cost of a check compared to a virtual car payment, the advantage is clear. 

Text, Check processing cost estimates vary widely ($3 to $22 and up); $5.95 average based on 2015 A. F. P. Payments Cost Benchmarking Survey; 2017 Aberdeen Group Survey; 2018 R P M G Electronic Accounts Payable Benchmark Survey. 

You'll spend less time on reconciliation replying to supplier inquiries, reissuing checks, producing 1099s. At that rate, companies can save more than $4,200 for every 1,000 checks they eliminate. That adds up. 

Graphic, a building rises up with boxes of inventory. Trucks arrive and leave. Inventory reduces. 

For some organizations, cash flow is key. With virtual card payments, your suppliers get paid faster. You can stretch days payables outstanding, maximize your working capital, and extend cash on hand by more than 45 days. 

Rays shoot out from a dollar sign. An arrow circles around the dollar sign. 

And then there's the rebate revenue. It's rare for an AP department to add to the bottom line, but that's exactly what happens with an effective virtual card program. You get paid for paying your bills. In fact, 100% of organizations with a virtual card program qualify to earn rebates. Even better, our optimization services team will do all the heavy lifting to help you get your suppliers on board. 

The clipboard with a second checkmark. Rays shoot out. 

When it comes to reaching your strategic AP goals, virtual payments and our optimization services team really deliver. 

A pen makes a checkmark in the third box. Stars flash. 

So what kind of savings and earning potential have you been missing out on? Let's get you to your goals. 

Logo, U.S. Bank. optimization dot u s bank dot com. Text, Copyright 2020 U.S. Bank. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. CAT-1 9 2 2 3 9 8 0