How to talk to your kids about money matters

SPEAKER: Kids should feel empowered to manage their money. But many don't. We teach our kids to read, to write, to drive, to fix a grilled cheese sandwich. But we don't think of managing money as an equally essential life skill. Or worse, we think of it as a taboo subject. 
I have three suggestions on how to talk to your kids about money matters. Give them a budget, whether it's a small allowance for toys early on or a monthly spending allowance, introduce them to the concept of spending within a number. Be transparent on what they can expect from you. You don't have to share what your worth, just what they can count on you for. 
So have a straightforward conversation. This is what you'll pay for. And the rest is up to them. 
Plan your charitable giving together. It's the finest way to introduce kids to the positive impact of what money can do. It starts them thinking about its potential, its purpose, and really gives them a noble reason to be financially sound. 
For many of us growing up, money was something you never talked about at home. Financial acumen is a wonderful gift you can give your kids. Have the dialogue today.